[Acc_sem_comm] [EXTERNAL] Accelerator Seminar: Nicola Pompeo 11am 3/18/2021

Tristan Jones via BlueJeans Network invite at bluejeans.com
Fri Mar 12 09:32:57 EST 2021

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Meeting ID: 115 272 641

Room System or bjn.vc

Meeting ID: 115 272 641
Microwave studies of the surface impedance of superconductors in the mixed state

In this talk I will first describe the microwave techniques and methods that we use in our group to measure the surface impedance in superconductors in d.c. fields in the 0.1-10 T range. Namely, the use of mono- and dual-  frequency dielectric resonators through the surface perturbation technique and the Corbino disk wide band technique will be introduced. Then, after a brief overview of the main aspects of the high frequency vortex dynamics, I will present a selection of our recent research. I will illustrate results on various vortex parameters – flux flow resistivity, pinning constant, pinning frequency, thermal creep factor – and the effect of the material electron mass anisotropy and pinning anisotropy. Various materials will be dealt with: thin film and coated conductors YBa2Cu3O7-δ, showing how the introduction of artificial pinning centers improve the pinning properties also at microwave

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