[Acc_sem_comm] [EXTERNAL] Accelerator Seminar: Tamin Tai

Tristan Jones via BlueJeans Network invite at sendgrid.net
Wed May 19 09:30:38 EDT 2021

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Meeting ID: 190 924 996

Room System or bjn.vc

Meeting ID: 190 924 996
Loss Mechanisms on Superconducting Quantum Devices and Microwave Microscopy for Probing Superconducting Devices Metrology


In this talk, I will focus on the loss mechanisms in our superconducting resonators and qubits. Then I will discuss two types of novel metrology inspection tools, the laser scanning microwave microscope (LSM) and the scanning probe (magnetic writer) microwave microscopy to explore the surface metrology and defects on high quality superconducting cavities’ materials. Both microscopies can image the distribution of RF/microwave currents at the surface of many superconducting resonators and creates an image of RF/microwave currents.

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