[Acc_sem_comm] [EXTERNAL] Accelerator Seminar: Eric Lechner 6/3/21 11 am

Tristan Jones via BlueJeans Network invite at sendgrid.net
Wed May 26 11:01:14 EDT 2021

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Meeting ID: 380 219 683

Room System or bjn.vc

Meeting ID: 380 219 683
Title: SRF surface resistance tuning of niobium via thermal diffusion of its native oxide 

Interstitial thermal diffusion of several atomic species into the surface of niobium has resulted in extremely low RF surface resistance of superconducting niobium. Recently, Nb superconducting radio frequency cavities vacuum heat treated between 300-400°C for a few hours have exhibited very high quality factors (~5×1010 at 2.0 K). Our new secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements of O, N and C show this enhancement in RF surface conductivity is primarily associated with interstitial oxygen alloying via dissolution and diffusion of the native oxide. We analyzed the oxygen concentration depth profiles in the framework of Ciovati's model of oxygen decomposition and diffusion to quantify previously unknown parameters crucial in modeling this process for applications. Radio frequency measurements of a vacuum heat treated Nb superconducting radio frequency cavity confirm the minimized 

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