[BDXlist] [EXTERNAL] BDX: bad news from NSF

Marco Battaglieri battaglieri at ge.infn.it
Sat Apr 10 13:05:02 EDT 2021

Dear all,
it is with great disappointment that I share with you  the NSF decision 
about the grant.
We are NOT invited to the 'proposal' phase.
Here below the message Phil received yesterday.
The Reviewers comments clearly indicate the limited lab endorsement and 
commitment as a significant obstacle. This requires a discussion with 
the lab  management.
If Jlab considers BDX an experiment worth running should put all 
possible efforts to make it happen. Especially pro-actively endorsing 
and supporting our requests to external agencies, since an internal 
funding seems to be out of discussion. This is a crucial issue for our 
future commitment for BDX at JLab that needs to be discussed. Next Friday 
meeting will be a good occasion for sharing our opinions and define a 
work plan.

*From:* mcoles at nsf.gov <mcoles at nsf.gov>
*Sent:* Friday, April 9, 2021 9:03 PM
*To:* Philip L Cole <pcole at lamar.edu>
*Cc:* Erin K. Lovelady <eklovelady at lamar.edu>
*Subject:* [EXTERNAL] NSF - Proposal Notification - Proposal No. 2114945

Proposal Number: 2114945*/
/*Title: Mid-scale RI-1 (M1:IP) Implementation Plans for the 
Infrastructure and Superstructure for the Beam-Dump eXperiment (BDX) at 
Jefferson Lab/*
*/Program Solicitation: NSF 21-505

/*Dear Dr. Cole,

I, along with the Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 (Mid-scale RI-1) 
Working Group, regret to inform you that the Mid-scale RI-1 preliminary 
proposal referenced above will not be invited as a full proposal.

Mid-scale RI-1 preliminary proposals were reviewed either internally by 
groups of NSF Program Officers or externally using standard NSF merit 
review procedures, based on the review criteria described in the 
solicitation. The review process is described in the Context Statement 
which can be found by accessing your preliminary proposal through 
FastLane. Further information on the decision to not invite a full 
proposal may be found in the PO Comment.

If you have questions about this competition or the review of your 
pre-proposal, please contact the Cognizant Program Officer indicated below.


Mark Coles
Acting Division Director
Division Of Physics
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