[BDXlist] [EXTERNAL] BDX: PAC51 jeopardy presentation

Andrea Celentano andrea.celentano at ge.infn.it
Wed Jul 19 03:14:47 EDT 2023

Hi Marco,

NA64 plans to accumulate ~3E12 before 2025 (3x what we have now), then measurements will start again in 2028, after CERN Long Shutdown.
The expected upper limit will be ~ 3x better than what we reported on the arXiv. In parallel to this, we plan a dedicated positron-beam program with multiple beam energies to “scan” the A’ mass region above 140 MeV.


> On Jul 18, 2023, at 18:46, Marco Battaglieri <battaglieri at ge.infn.it> wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> thanks for your comments: I'll implement them in the new version of the slides.
> Below some more detailed answers.
> Andrea Celentano wrote:
>> Dear Marco,
>> the slides are to me very clear. Here are my comments.
>> Slide n. 6, in top-left figure the words are mirrored?
> it was ment to show the dierction of the beam from right to left (see the aereal picture of the acc site).
>> Slide n. 8, we only considered positrons resonant annihilation.
> corrected
>> Slide n. 11, the sentence “World exclusion limits are mainly the same as 5y ago” is to me not appropriate. The NA64 experiment just completed a run with ~ 1E12 EOT, and the new limits are definitively stronger than those reported in the slide (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__arxiv.org_abs_2307.02404&d=DwIFaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=Ru7nA6zPBSFajtw1o6aZjchIV9Cs2SBk2RiVldzQhDc&m=IBH1Q-vUm3i7j2NRcxtIuoOLpXiBTV_DYpDdTa8EJjgWyFHdRr7aWu8m-24FKyqj&s=33lXuR5egepVOjW0Zn_BNbM12e12LTGUJxfhrCPR9G4&e= ).
>> These results for the moment are only on arXiv (PRL paper was submitted one week ago), so we can probably not mention them. However, I would remove this sentence (note that the latest published NA64 results are from 2021 PRD letter: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__arxiv.org_abs_2108.04195&d=DwIFaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=Ru7nA6zPBSFajtw1o6aZjchIV9Cs2SBk2RiVldzQhDc&m=IBH1Q-vUm3i7j2NRcxtIuoOLpXiBTV_DYpDdTa8EJjgWyFHdRr7aWu8m-24FKyqj&s=RT6_2GgGLEM7agoaBoEMUMFgtKVyTJgO_7UXgca3FNA&e= , 2 years ago)
> I was not aware of the new NA64 publication: good job! I will certainly soften the message prizing the recent result. This cen be a good stimulus to let BDX run asap!~
> What are the NA64 plans for the near future (say within 2028?)
> Cheers
> Marco
>> Bests,
>> Andrea
>> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
>>> On Jul 16, 2023, at 23:44, Marco Battaglieri via BDXlist <bdxlist at jlab.org> <mailto:bdxlist at jlab.org> wrote:
>>> Dear BDXers,
>>> here in attachment the draft of PAC presentation.
>>> Please send me your comments/suggestions by Tuesday night EDT (in particular language corrections).
>>> I'd propose to have a dry run on Wednesday July  19 at 10:00AM EDT via the usual zoom link
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1602402962-3Fpwd-3DSGtYZTFyOVgrbEUxdHN3Z1N1SVYrUT09&d=DwIFaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=Ru7nA6zPBSFajtw1o6aZjchIV9Cs2SBk2RiVldzQhDc&m=IBH1Q-vUm3i7j2NRcxtIuoOLpXiBTV_DYpDdTa8EJjgWyFHdRr7aWu8m-24FKyqj&s=Gr86a6LeK076CTQSKBQ2D4jVQGl7Xy8b531tmNfkZH0&e=  <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1602402962-3Fpwd-3DSGtYZTFyOVgrbEUxdHN3Z1N1SVYrUT09&d=DwMDaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=Ru7nA6zPBSFajtw1o6aZjchIV9Cs2SBk2RiVldzQhDc&m=Untk_MoS_Ckbj4ZSYI2GzxXU8Ab3OaUrt_S2ZuUNiRj1_T4bcytRPfYuv7XLZexl&s=LySB7xHdaej-aC3wG7xmQMUrM4FPcXdab-09qq4azfw&e=>
>>> Talk to you in a while 
>>> cheers
>>> Marco
>>> <bdx-PAC51-battaglieri.pdf>_______________________________________________
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