[Clas12_first_exp] Fwd: Re: Special First CLAS12 Experiment Meeting Friday July 7 at 8:30 in A110 - Cancelled

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Thu Jul 6 09:16:12 EDT 2017

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Special First CLAS12 Experiment Meeting Friday July 7 at 
8:30 in A110 - Cancelled
Date: 	Thu, 6 Jul 2017 09:15:13 -0400
From: 	Latifa Elouadrhiri <latifa at jlab.org>
To: 	Gilfoyle, Jerry <ggilfoyl at richmond.edu>, Daniel S. Carman 
<carman at jlab.org>, Girod FX <fxgirod at jlab.org>, Harut Avagyan 
<avakian at jlab.org>, Lei Guo <leguo at fiu.edu>, Marco.Mirazita at lnf.infn.it, 
Paul Stoler <stolep at rpi.edu>, Pawel Nadel-Turonski <turonski at jlab.org>, 
Ralf Gothe <gothe at sc.edu>, Valery Kubarovsky <vpk at jlab.org>, marco 
battaglieri <battaglieri at ge.infn.it>, pisanos <pisanos at jlab.org>, Maxime 
Defurne <maxime.defurne at cea.fr>, Raffaella De Vita 
<Raffaella.Devita at ge.infn.it>, burkert <burkert at jlab.org>, Stepan 
Stepanyan <stepanya at jlab.org>, clas12_first_exp at jlab.org 
<clas12_first_exp at jlab.org>, Viktor Mokeev <mokeev at jlab.org>
CC: 	F. Sabatie <franck.sabatie at cea.fr>, Marco Contalbrigo 
<mcontalb at fe.infn.it>, Michael Wood <mikewood at jlab.org>, Marti Bennett 
<bennett at jlab.org>

Dear all,

Due to the ERR of the solenoid we will not meet this Friday. We will 
keep the same agenda at our regular time and place next Wednesday July 12.

Best regards,


On 7/5/17 1:56 PM, Latifa Elouadrhiri wrote:
> Dear all,
> To follow up on the meeting from this morning, Franck and I would like 
> to meet with all the contact/spokesperson of each experiment from Run 
> Group A and the Hall B staff to start the planning for the September 
> Hall B  "Science Ready Review" It is important that representative of 
> each experiment is present, if you cannot attend, please designate one 
> of your spokespersons to attend.
> The meeting will be in A110 for the people onsite.  For the people 
> offsite please find the bluejeans instruction below.
> Agenda:
>   * Go over  the charge presented by Volker this morning
>   * We will go over the plans for the engineering run and prioritize
>     the tasks to support the first CLAS12 experiment. This will be
>     based on the discussion we had this morning.
>   * We will identify what simulations tasks are needed to make sure we
>     have a successful engineering run and who is doing what
>   * Timeline to complete the simulations/studies needed to finalize
>     the experiment configuration (magnetic fields, Trigger, etc.)
> Please let us who will be representing your experiment,
> Best regards,
> Latifa & Franck
> =======================================
> BlueJeans meeting information:
> URL: https://bluejeans.com/7572697303
> Id: 7572697303 Dial into the meeting :
> +1 408 740 7256
> +1 888 240 2560 (US or Canada only)
> for other numbers see: http://bluejeans.com/numbers
> Meeting ID: 757269730

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