[Clas12_first_exp] Joined software and analysis Meeting tomorrow April 12 at 10:00 in F224/25

Veronique Ziegler ziegler at jlab.org
Thu Apr 12 09:12:44 EDT 2018


  the agenda is on the software wiki page:



----- Original Message -----
From: "Latifa Elouadrhiri" <latifa at jlab.org>
To: "clas12 first exp" <clas12_first_exp at jlab.org>, "clas12 software" <clas12_software at jlab.org>
Cc: "Latifa Elouadrhiri" <latifa at jlab.org>, "Veronique Ziegler" <ziegler at jlab.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 7:24:00 PM
Subject: Joined software and analysis Meeting tomorrow April 12 at 10:00 in F224/25

Dear all,

We will have joined daily analysis and software meeting tomorrow at 
10:00 am in F224/25

Agenda of the meeting:

  * Update on data processing (FX)
  * Hold-off-times for DC & tracking efficiency (Mac)
  * Online Reconstruction status and online monitoring (Andrey)
  * Update on tracking efficiency from simulations (Josh)
  * Status of DC alignment & (Mac & Tim)
  * Update to reconstruction code strategy for next release (Veronique)
  * Others

Let us know if you would like to add anything to the agenda

Best regards,

Latifa & Veronique

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