[Clas12_first_exp] RC report

Stepan Stepanyan stepanya at jlab.org
Sun Apr 22 08:37:11 EDT 2018

Dear all,

We are sailing smoothly throughout the weekend. With exception of few short interruptions (from both our and accelerator side), we continue produciton data taking, with torus polarity for electrons inbending, beam current of 50 nA, LH2 target. Over the last two days we reported ~70% ABU, and collected about 270 M events per shift.

We will continue data taking till ~8am on Monday when machine will go down for planned beam studies, for about 8 hours. Hall-B will go to "Controlled Acess" under the rapid access conditions. So far we have only three planned activities in the hall. These are; solenoid ramp down test, then when solenoid is off, Yuri G. will install V450 filter for SVT, and for MM Guillaume will check HV connector FMT (from Francesco).

Heave great rest of the weekend,
Stepan (RC)

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