[Clas12_first_exp] Upcoming Computing Review-Preparation

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Mon Apr 23 06:27:45 EDT 2018

Dear all,

Please  find in the attached file the charge and draft agenda for the 
upcoming Hall B computing review May 14 and May 15. New software release 
and new field map are being finalized to be used in the data analysis to 
prepare the presentations, a separate email will be sent with instructions.

In preparation of the review please find the following schedule for this 

  * Tuesday April 24, 10:30: Meeting with all the spokespersons of RGA
    to discuss the preparation of the charge (3a & 3c)
  * Wednesday April 24: 8:30 First Experiment meeting to discuss the
    final agenda and the overall preparation of the review.
  * During this week we will have focused meetings to discuss the
    outline of the other talks.
  * Friday April 27 at 1:30 we will have the first dry runs of all the

Please let me know if you have any questions we will keep you updated 
with final agenda.

Best regards,


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