[Clas12_first_exp] Start of the run

Eugene Pasyuk pasyuk at jlab.org
Wed Aug 15 15:58:24 EDT 2018

Dear Collaborators,

Here is a status update of the CLAS12 preparation for the upcoming run. Most of the system are already checked and ready. We plan to complete everything this Friday. Accelerator restoration is progressing. The official schedule has beam for physics Wednesday morning, August 22. However the accelerator folks aiming to have collaborative checks with Halls B,C and D may be Monday afternoon. This means they may want to send some beam to the halls. We have to be ready for this and have counting house staffed. It is still not solid. We will know more Monday morning. Meanwhile Monday swing and Tuesday owl shifts should be on a stand by and be ready to come if need be. Stay tuned.

A reminder for shift takers: make sure your training is up to date before you come on shift. If someone needs Hall B walk-through before we lock up the hall there will be an opportunity this Friday afternoon at 3:30 pm. please contact me if you would like to take this opportunity.

Stay tuned for further updates. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


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