[Clas12_first_exp] Special RC meeting tomorrow 2/9 at 1:30 in A110

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Fri Feb 9 13:19:36 EST 2018

Dear all,

Please upload your talk to the link of the first experiment page

CLAS12 First Experiment 

Thank you,


On 2/8/18 10:49 PM, Latifa Elouadrhiri wrote:
> Dear all,
> As we discussed today at the 3 PM RC meeting,  we will have a joined 
> RC/TCB meeting tomorrow at 1:30pm in room CC A110.
> Now that we have successfully completed our Engineering Run period in 
> December/January, we have collected large amounts of high quality 
> data. These data need to be analyzed with the goal to fully understand 
> the CLAS12 detector performances and setting. The plan is to complete 
> the ongoing run at 6.4 GeV this weekend, and then to change to our 
> final detector & trigger settings for the RGA production data taking 
> at 5 pass. In order to do this based on what we have learned from the 
> Engineering Run, we need to finalize and document our settings for all 
> CLAS12 detector systems & production triggers before Monday: 
> especially the discriminator thresholds, the HV settings, the time 
> windows and the overall detector performances.
> The goal of the meeting is to present the information needed to much 
> such decisions. In order to do this efficiently, every detector 
> owner/expert should present a summary of the desired parameter setting 
> of their detector systems. (suggested: 2 slides each)
> Meeting agenda:
>   * FT: Marco B/Raffaella
>   * SVT: Yuri
>   * MM: Maxime
>   * CND: Silvia
>   * CTOF/FTOF: Daniel
>   * HTCC: Youri & Nick
>   * DC: Mestayer
>   * LTCC: Maurizio
>   * RICH: Marco C
>   * PCAL/EC
>   * Trigger: Valery
>   * DAQ: Surgey
> Best regards,
> Latifa

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