[Clas12_first_exp] In the next days...

mdefurne mdefurne at jlab.org
Wed Mar 7 16:21:09 EST 2018

Dear All,

After Nick, from today, I am the new Run Coordinator.

Tomorrow there won t be a 7:45am meeting at MCC but only the 8am regular 

As you may know, the Hall is currently in restricted access. However, 
please let me know about any work you intend to do in the Hall. I would 
like us to be ready when CHL and accelerator will be back in the game 
and not to discover at the last minute that there is still some on-going 
work needed to be completed.

Also, if you have any plan of tests requiring the DAQ, please let me 
know again to avoid any interference.

Thank you,

Best regards,


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