[Clas12_first_exp] No RC meeting unless there is a need + status

mdefurne mdefurne at jlab.org
Tue Mar 27 13:41:57 EDT 2018

Dear all,

Until 10am this morning, the beam was not really good (a high trip 
rate). Overnight we took only runs with trigger_v11. At 10am, the 
accelerator reached the 900kW and delivered very good beam (<10 trips 
per hour).

 From 11am util now, the accelerator was down to fix the RF separator 
and we are supposed to get back beam very soon. If MCC provides beam as 
good as at 10am before going down, we will perform the luminosity scan. 
Otherwise we will keep collecting data with trigger_v11 until beam 
quality is satisfying enough.

Unless someone has something interesting to show (any results or studies 
concerning the latest runs) or discuss, I do not think it is necessary 
to organize a RC meeting today.

Kind regards,


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