[Clas12_first_exp] RC meeting at 2:30 PM at the counting house

Annalisa D'Angelo annalisa.dangelo at roma2.infn.it
Thu Nov 29 11:51:11 EST 2018

Dear all,

We will have RC meeting at 2:30 at the counting house. The agenda of the 
meeting includes:

  * Beam polarization
  * Trigger Rates
  * Run plan
  * Initial calibrations
  * Others

Please let me know if you have other things you would like to discuss.

The bj connection for this meeting is:


Best regards,


Prof. Annalisa D'Angelo
Dip. Fisica, Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata"
INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome Italy
email:annalisa.dangelo at roma2.infn.it
Jefferson Laboratory, Newport News, VA USA
Email: annalisa at jlab.org
Tel: + 39 06 72594562

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