[Clas12_first_exp] Beam off today

markov markov at jlab.org
Fri Oct 12 10:48:35 EDT 2018

Dear All,
the beam is off. It is expected to be off for about 4 hours.
Could you please coordinate with Sergey the DAQ usage? It seems like we have more than one person who wants to use a DAQ.
Best regards, Nick.
> On Oct 12, 2018, at 8:19 AM, nick markov <markov at jlab.org> wrote:
> Dear All,
> MCC plans to take a beam off later today (for couple hours, probably before or around noon) for a beam tune.
> I have following people who want to to some work during the beam off:
> - Will Phelps to use DAQ to do HV scan for the HTCC;
> - CND group to look at the connectors down the Hall.
> Is there anything else I am missing?
> Nick.
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