[Clas12_first_exp] RC meeting today at 2:30 pm in the counting house

Raffaella De Vita Raffaella.Devita at ge.infn.it
Fri Oct 26 10:17:42 EDT 2018

Dear All,
we got beam back yesterday at 8pm and proceeded to tune to the tagger and Faraday Cup as planned. The beam quality was good and we could also complete a scan of the target to find the optimal beam position. We then proceeded to take data with solenoid at 30% and torus off overnight and switched to 0 solenoid and torus in the morning. The plan is to complete this alignment run today and switch to empty target run at full field in the evening.
To review the status and finalize the run plan for the weekend, we will have a RC meeting at 2:30 in the counting house (bj link https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_7572697303_&d=DwIFAg&c=lz9TcOasaINaaC3U7FbMev2lsutwpI4--09aP8Lu18s&r=1RjTARaofQ0V8Yr49dfBhMsvP_ffb_DrDVDqMk5RvGw&m=dXqTtttTfO4z9qmLhLw-u1GHmzqD_1M7NDQW1KEXiu4&s=z2aK2LveIJbdmSV1byTtc1kyQeu6XW5---Y6QC_w1WA&e=  <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_7572697303_&d=DwIFAg&c=lz9TcOasaINaaC3U7FbMev2lsutwpI4--09aP8Lu18s&r=1RjTARaofQ0V8Yr49dfBhMsvP_ffb_DrDVDqMk5RvGw&m=dXqTtttTfO4z9qmLhLw-u1GHmzqD_1M7NDQW1KEXiu4&s=z2aK2LveIJbdmSV1byTtc1kyQeu6XW5---Y6QC_w1WA&e= >).
Best regards,
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