[Clas12_first_exp] Fwd: Status update and shifts

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Thu Sep 13 08:51:21 EDT 2018

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[Clas12_first_exp] Status update and shifts
Date: 	Thu, 13 Sep 2018 08:42:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: 	Eugene Pasyuk <pasyuk at jlab.org>
To: 	Joshua Artem Tan <joshtanj at jlab.org>, Charles Hyde <hyde at jlab.org>, 
Achyut Khanal <akhanal at jlab.org>, John Price <pricej at jlab.org>, Susan 
Schadmand <s.schadmand at fz-juelich.de>, Taya Chetry <tc558111 at ohio.edu>, 
Brian A Raue <baraue at fiu.edu>, Yuri Gotra <gotra at jlab.org>, Burcu Duran 
<tuf67049 at temple.edu>, anselm vossen <anselm.vossen at duke.edu>, Frank Cao 
<fcao at jlab.org>, Markov, Nick <markov at jlab.org>, Hamza Atac 
<h.atac at temple.edu>
CC: 	clas members <clas_members at jlab.org>, clas12 first exp 
<clas12_first_exp at jlab.org>

Dear Collaborators,

The hurricane Florence has been pushed further south from Hampton Roads. We don't expect significant impact in our area. Current prediction is 4-6 inches of rain over next few days. JLab remains in Hurricane Preparedness Condition through this weekend. Normal operations will be restored Monday. On the accelerator side they are cooling down those modules which were warmed up. They all should be at 4K by Monday when they will start pump down of both linacs to 2K. This will be followed up by the beam setup in the machine and to the halls. This restoration will take most of the next week. As of now all Hall B shifts are canceled until 08:00 Friday September 21st.
On the hall side yesterday we received back from Saclay control boards for our cryo target. Since ESR operations are limited at the moment we won't be able to test it and cool it before Monday.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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Clas12_first_exp at jlab.org

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