[Clas12_first_exp] Analysis Note for RGA

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Mon Oct 7 17:49:08 EDT 2019

Dear Marco. C and Bryan,

Please find in the link CLAS12 First Experiment 
the analysis notes for all RGA talks except the ones of Brandon and Josh 
they are still waiting for the out-bending data, for which the skimming 
is in progress.

for all the presenters please make sure to address the comment/questions 
of Volker and Stepan that have been sent to you.

For your information all,  the % of the inbending data that has been 
processed is about 16% of the fall data and about 6% of the Total RGA 
data taken so far (spring 2018, fall 2018 and spring 2019)

Next Wednesday will be devoted to the first meeting of the Deep 
Processes Physics Working Group meeting following the schedule that has 
been sent by Marco C. this morning.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


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