[Clas12_first_exp] CLAS12 First Experiment Meeting Wednesday October 30, 2019

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Mon Oct 28 15:34:06 EDT 2019

Dear all,

Last week everyone just came from DNP we didn't have meeting.

We will have the CLAS12 First Experiment this Wednesday at 8:30 in F224/25


  * While we are waiting for the new release including improvement to FD
    and new CD tracking: we are proceeding with the following:

     1. Pass0/Calibration of the Fall Run followed by data processing of
        the outbending data set/then the remaining of the inbending
     2. Data processing for 6.5 GeV data from RGK necessary for
        understanding of software/calibration and detector performances
     3. With the already processed data for DNP from 10.6 GeV and 7.5
        GeV, we will to check the data quality and requirement for the
        first publication with Focus on SIDIS , DVCS and MesonX, elastic
        and inclusive

  * We will have Monday afternoon November 11:00 at 1:30 CLAS12 First
    Experiment session where we discuss our path forward to the first
    publication as run group.

*Agenda for this week meeting:*

  * Status of the data processing: Nick
  * Status of the new release (improvement and timeline including
    Central detector): Raffaella
  * New magnetic field, Improvement in DC calibration and DC alignment
  * DVCS data quality and checks of software (Francois)
  * SIDIS data quality and checks of the software (Stefan)
  * MesonX (TBD)
  * Brief update on simulation framework (Maurizio)
  * Others

Please let me know if you would like to give presentation another topic.

Best regards,



For the remote participation, we will use BlueJeans:
Meeting ID: 7572697303

You can join via browser:https://bluejeans.com/7572697303/

Or dial into the meeting:
* (408) 740-7256
* (888) 240-2560 (toll free within the US)
* International numbers:https://www.bluejeans.com/numbers

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