[Clas12_first_exp] No meeting tomorrow

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Tue Feb 4 21:33:16 EST 2020

Dear all,

The software group has produced new release 6b.5.1. The initial checks 
performed by software group are positive. Dan is re-calibrating the time 
of flight system for the reference runs and resolving some issues, 
immediately  after FTOF calibration we will proceed with the 
calibrations of the other systems and process few runs for full 
validation. In the meantime we are using the data processing based on 
the previous release to refine our monitoring tools important charge 
item for the pass1 review. We had meeting today with small group to 
discuss that and we ill continue to work on this and other charge items 
of the pass1 review charge during this week and prepare presentation for 
the next week meeting to have input from everyone. By then we hope also 
to have full runs calibrated and processed with the new release to make 
available to everyone for complete validation using physics reactions.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


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