[Clas12_first_exp] Status and next steps

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Wed Feb 26 13:14:27 EST 2020

Dear all,

It has been shown today at the first experiment meeting and also at he 
calibration meeting that a great progress/communication has been made by 

People who are looking at specific physics analysis and validation 
please produce a concise presentation (see FX and Andrey's presentations 
from this morning as a template) and send it to me I will post it as 
pre-brief material and I will include the highlight of your analysis in 
my summary talk.

Please look at the data based on the full 15 runs from RGA and RGK the 
location of the runs is listed below and I encourage everyone to look at 
the data as soon as possible.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	RGA/RGK Runs available for analysis
Date: 	Mon, 24 Feb 2020 22:16:25 -0500
From: 	Latifa Elouadrhiri <latifa at jlab.org>
To: 	clas12_first_exp at jlab.org <clas12_first_exp at jlab.org>, 
clas12_rgk at jlab.org <clas12_rgk at jlab.org>, Francois-Xavier Girod 
<fxgirod at jlab.org>, Anselm Vossen <anselm.vossen at duke.edu>, Harut 
Avakian <avakian at jlab.org>, Stefan Diehl 
<Stefan.Diehl at exp2.physik.uni-giessen.de>
CC: 	Latifa Elouadrhiri <latifa at jlab.org>

Dear all,

The calibrations of the reference runs  for RGK and RGA Fall 2018 are 
completed, the pass0 for RGA runs is completed also  as well as the 
monitoring histograms. We  are now in the process of producing the 
timeline.  Last Friday after our meeting we submitted 15 runs to be 
fully cooked this provides us with some statistics and bench-marking for 
our data processing speed and required resources in preparation of the 
RGA pass1 review. In addition it allows us to proceed with the full 
chain data analysis to extract physics. The runs that have been 
processed are good runs close in to the calibrated reference ones.

Please analyze the inbending and the outbening runs separately that we 
can look at the systematics. With this set of few runswe will be able to 
look at inbending. vs outbending and low energy vs high energy.

Francois will be looking at the data with the focus on the validation of 
the FD, and I would like the SIDIS group to look at the data as we are 
aiming to have this as our first publication(s).

I encourage everyone else to look at this data as well to make sure that 
all the required information for your analysis tools is there. We will 
review some of the results at our first CLAS12 Experiment this 
Wednesday. This important to answer one of the charge items of the review.

*Please find below  the location of the fully cooked runs from RGK and RGA*

_*RGK (7.5 GeV)

*5700, 5701, 5702, 5703, 5704*


_*RGA (10.6 GeV)

*I**nbending* *runs:* 5038 (not completed yet) *5046, 5051, 5117, 5124*

*Outbeniding* *runs:* *5424, 5425, 5428, 5429, 5430*


Best regards,


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