[Clas12_first_exp] Your input regarding your CLAS12 physics analyses needed
Veronique Ziegler
ziegler at jlab.org
Mon Mar 2 11:48:45 EST 2020
Dear colleagues,
As you know there are a number of task forces being formed to assess the current reconstruction and analysis statuses.
One such Taskforce is the Physics Analysis Framework Taskforce whose goal, among other things, is to assess the existing common analysis framework related to physics scopes.
Currently the analysis framework that is being used by some analysts is CLAS12Root developed by Derek Glazier.
To get a better picture of its use by the collaboration, I would those of you that are using it to please answer the following questions.
-For which analyses are you using CLAS12Root?
-Are you doing momentum corrections within the framework? What about PID selection, fiducial cuts, etc ?
-What functionality do you analyses require? Is this functionality currently available?
-Do you have suggestions for additional functionality that would make doing your analyses within CLAS12Root easier?
Thanks very much for your input.
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