[Clas12_first_exp] [Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Re: jeopardy preparation for RGB

burkert burkert at jlab.org
Sat Mar 14 22:04:44 EDT 2020

Hello all,

Or's comment might be correct, and that's how it apparently was for the 
previous jeopardy process for Hall A/C.
However, it all depends on the specific charge to the PAC.  Also please 
consider that there are 4 new members on the PAC and the chair has also 
changed to Markus Diehl. Since RGB's and RGA's lead experiment is DVCS 
on neutron/proton, there are now at least two experts for DVCS/GPDs on 
the PAC (Markus and Elke).

I suggest to not take this jeopardy process lightly. Be prepared to 
answer the  question:
"What physics do you get out that you do not obtain with the already 
accumulated data?"
Pointing simply to a factor 1.5 improvement in statistical error bars 
might not be convincing enough.
Are there changes in the setup (Torus field reversal) that would extent 
the coverage towards lower x_B, will the solenoid field be reversed to 
reduce systematic uncertainties, or others?

One may also point to a planned flavor separation with DVCS on proton 
and neutron that may really require more neutron data to be somewhat 
comparable with the RGA uncertainties.


3/13/20 10:36 AM, Or Hen wrote:
> Thanks for sending this.
> Here are my 2 cents:  I could be wrong but I would start by simply 
> stating how much beam time we still have left and then focus it 100% 
> on the physics we will do with the extra beam time. Things like 
> hardware and running issue we had are not so relevant in my opinion 
> (we can fold it into our calculation of the time we have left). The 
> PAC doesn’t care too much about technical aspects as long as the 
> physics gets done. So probably nothing will speak better to then than 
> a collection of simple plots showing what we can do now and what we 
> will do with extra data.  If these plots are convincing I believe we 
> will be fine.
> Another point to mention is that the Halls A, C jeopardy was a 
> complete joke. Experiments that had major changes to their physics 
> case and relevance were all approved without any serious examination 
> by the PAC. I personally think its bad for the lab but given that this 
> is what they did for the other halls one can only hope (but not 
> assume!!) we can the same easy treatment.
> Or.
> --
> Or Hen,
> Massachusetts institute of Technology,
> Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
> www.hen-lab.com 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.hen-2Dlab.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=p0fOsYOqPes7kSrF0-ldLy8UQdwZWwpYV125WHZsrFE&m=Lw-HA23rRK8A8b875Z7i5VaDbo36ZRvhepSPgDiAJM8&s=fhfzl3svi4FHyewmDAyz3G1SCjWdtAt5UCy9P0eB0Fs&e=>
>> On Mar 13, 2020, at 9:37 AM, silvia at jlab.org <mailto:silvia at jlab.org> 
>> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> for those who could not attend, at today's meeting we had some discussion
>> on the preparation for the jeopardy PAC for RGB.
>> I have yet to receive the official email from Bob McKeown, but we 
>> have the
>> guidelines already from what other RGs received.
>> I encourage everyone, and in particular the experiment spokespersons, to
>> please give a look at my slides:
>> https://clasweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/a/a2/Jeopardy_preparation.pdf
>> Please send me your comments/replies to the questions asked in the 
>> slides.
>> If you consider your comments worth seeing/discussing for everyone, reply
>> directly to this mailing list, otherwise just to me :-)
>> Thanks a lot and best regards,
>> Silvia
>> <jeopardy_preparation.pdf>_______________________________________________
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