[Clas12_first_exp] [EXTERNAL] HSWG DNP releases to review

Bryan McKinnon Bryan.McKinnon at glasgow.ac.uk
Tue Oct 20 05:33:39 EDT 2020

Dear all

I received two short analysis release notes for the upcoming DNP. These are notes for analyses that will be presentations given using CLAS12 data.

You can find both at the following link:

https://www.jlab.org/Hall-B/secure/hadron/wiki/index.php/Fall_2020_DNP_presentations <https://www.jlab.org/Hall-B/secure/hadron/wiki/index.php/Fall_2020_DNP_presentations>

Could I ask that you have a read over these notes and send any comments to the authors and myself by end of business (5pm ET) on Thursday 22 October. Approval to be issued on Friday 23 October.

I was expecting more by yesterdays submission deadline but they did not appear. If you have yet to submit a release note, please do so by the end of business today otherwise your presentation will be marked as unapproved by HSWG.

The dry runs for these presentations will be Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 October.



Dr. Bryan McKinnon

Nuclear and Hadron Physics Research
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ
Scotland UK

Tel: (+44/0) 141-330-7226

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