[Clas12_first_exp] [EXTERNAL] Updated skims for RGA Fall2018 (inbending and outbending) and Spring2019 (inbending)

Hayward, Timothy timothy.hayward at uconn.edu
Fri Dec 3 16:30:09 EST 2021

Dear first experimenters,

I have just updated the analysis wiki<https://clasweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Group_A#Trains> with information on the available skims for pass1 data for RGA during Fall18 and Spring19. Several skims were optimized for reduced storage space<https://clas12-docdb.jlab.org/DocDB/0009/000958/002/Fa18%20and%20Sp19%20Skim%20Description.pdf> and all skims are now available on /cache:


├── skim1_jpsitcs
├── skim2_FTeta
├── skim5_ftTrigger
├── skim6_InclusivePositron
├── skim7_epiNCND
├── skim9_Ppbar
├── skim11_ElecFTKaon
├── skim12_ThreePion
├── skim13_MissingNeutron
├── skim14_eK+
├── skim16_DVCSWagon
├── skim17_DVKpKmP
├── skim18_DVPi0P
├── skim19_DVPipPimP
├── skim20_DVPipPimPi0P
├── skim22_nSidis
├── skim23_resIncl
└── skim24_DeltaVCS


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