[Clas12_first_exp] CLAS12 First Experiment - Plans & Next Steps

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Tue Mar 16 15:26:09 EDT 2021

Dear All,

The general CLAS12 First Experiment Meeting tomorrow and next week are cancelled.

Next week  Wednesday March 24  we are having a kick off  meeting with RGA-Analysis Representatives of the 5 major  areas of RGA-Science Program, they represent also the editorial board of the common analysis note of RGA. A common RGA- Note will be a great resouce for any subsequent physics analysis note. The RGA represntatives forming the editorial board are:

  *   Harut Avakian (SIDIS-Group)
  *   Francois-Xavier Girod (Deep Exclusive Processes)
  *   Ralf Gothe (Hadron Structure)
  *   Rafayel Pa​remuzyan (TCS &J/psi)
  *   Nick Zachariou (MesonX)

We will discuss the path forward to the next phase of RGA publications in 2021 and 2022,  define schedule and stratgey.  This will be then presented to the whole run group on March 31 to define clear working plan and priorities,

At the collaboraion meeting, there were many analyses that are in very advanced stage and planned for submission within this calendar year. If you are planning on submitting a publication in 2021, please send me one slide with the latest updates: status, work rmaining and expected submission date by Sunday March 28, this will help guide our discussion.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Best regards,


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