[Clas12_first_exp] Fw: Pass-2 release software validation runs available

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Tue Jan 31 04:02:27 EST 2023

Dear all,

We will have our first CLAS12 experiment meeting tomorrow at 8:30am.

Be prepared to present your analysis based on the latest pass2 data processing, see the email below from Timothy.

Please email me if you would like to make a presentation. The focus will then be on pass2 preparation.

Best regards,

From: Hayward, Timothy <timothy.hayward at uconn.edu>
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2023 5:21 PM
To: clas12_first_exp at jlab.org <clas12_first_exp at jlab.org>
Cc: Hayward, Timothy <timothy.hayward at uconn.edu>; Latifa Elouadrhiri <latifa at jlab.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Pass-2 release software validation runs available

Dear RGA,

We have processed ten runs with the tentative pass-2 release tag, 8.5.0, that includes the full suite of central detector calibrations, AI-assisted forward tracking, denoising, etc. They are available at /volatile/clas12/rg-a/production/pass0/Spring19/sp19_dst_v1_22/dst/ and include the runs

6616 (5 nA),
6722 (10 nA)
6642, 6670, 6712, 6714, 6716, 6718, 6728, 6769 (50 nA, production runs)

We would greatly appreciate any analyzers that have examined previous cooks with a mind toward pass-2 preparation to please do so again and report any issues you may find.

Best regards,
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