[Clas12_first_exp] RGA Sp19 coatjava 9.0.0 runs available
Pierre Chatagnon
pierrec at jlab.org
Fri May 12 15:27:02 EDT 2023
Indeed. I should have added “as expected.”, my mistake.
The message is that we are happy as it stands for the dilepton analysis.
Best regards
From: Latifa Elouadrhiri<mailto:latifa at jlab.org>
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2023 2:59 PM
To: Pierre Chatagnon<mailto:pierrec at jlab.org>
Cc: Hayward, Timothy<mailto:timothy.hayward at uconn.edu>; clas12_first_exp at jlab.org<mailto:clas12_first_exp at jlab.org>; Joo, Kyungseon<mailto:kyungseon.joo at uconn.edu>; Diehl, Stefan<mailto:stefan.diehl at uconn.edu>; Neupane, Krishna<mailto:KNEUPANE at email.sc.edu>
Subject: Re: RGA Sp19 coatjava 9.0.0 runs available
We should only see differences for photons in the calorimeter.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 12, 2023, at 1:23 PM, Pierre Chatagnon <pierrec at jlab.org> wrote:
Hi Timothy,
Attached is the comparison between Pass 1, Pass 2 v30 and Pass 2 v32 (coatjava 9.0.0). I do not see any difference between the two last versions of pass2
From: Hayward, Timothy<mailto:timothy.hayward at uconn.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 9:07 AM
To: clas12_first_exp at jlab.org<mailto:clas12_first_exp at jlab.org>
Cc: Hayward, Timothy<mailto:timothy.hayward at uconn.edu>; Latifa Elouadrhiri<mailto:latifa at jlab.org>; Joo, Kyungseon<mailto:kyungseon.joo at uconn.edu>; Diehl, Stefan<mailto:stefan.diehl at uconn.edu>; Pierre Chatagnon<mailto:pierrec at jlab.org>; Neupane, Krishna<mailto:kneupane at email.sc.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RGA Sp19 coatjava 9.0.0 runs available
Dear RGA,
The batch of runs cooked with coatjava 9.0.0 are available at: /volatile/clas12/rg-a/production/pass0/Spring19/sp19_dst_v1_32/dst/.
They include run 6616 (5 nA), 6618 (10 nA) and then a set of 50 nA production runs. If analyzers could perform their usual checks of physics quality we can finally come to a conclusion with pass-2 preparations. As a reminder, it is not expected that any change is observed with respect to our recent 8.7.0 cook (which is still available at /volatile/clas12/rg-a/production/pass0/Spring19/sp19_dst_v1_30/), runs 6712, 6716 and 6769 are available in both locations so direct comparisons are possible.
Best regards,
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