[Clas12_first_exp] [EXTERNAL] Re: RGA Fa18 pass-2 completed

Hayward, Timothy timothy.hayward at uconn.edu
Fri Nov 17 10:25:04 EST 2023

Hi everyone,

I wanted to warn you that unfortunately an issue was discovered with the RGA Fa18 trains (not the cooked dsts!) where the yaml used to run them was set to the 10.2 GeV energy used in the Spring instead of the 10.6 GeV used in the Fall. This causes the trains produced with kinematic cuts to remove slightly too many events (because of an underestimation of Q2, W, Mx, etc.). We will reproduce the trains as quickly as possible and I will update you accordingly.

Best regards and sorry for the inconvenience,

On Nov 13, 2023, at 3:42 PM, Hayward, Timothy <timothy.hayward at uconn.edu<mailto:timothy.hayward at uconn.edu>> wrote:

Dear RGA,

I’m happy to report that the RGA Fa18 pass-2 has been completed slightly ahead of schedule. The locations of the new data can be found below. The pass-1 data will remain available on tape for analyzers that are still using it.

RGA Fa18 Outbending Trains:

RGA Fa18 Inbending (Recommended) Trains:

RGA Fa18 Inbending (Supplemental) Trains:
Note: these runs were taken at a lower HV setting than the later data and have correspondingly worse resolution. They are kept separate and should be analyzed with care. So far all RGA publications have been limited to the recommended trains.

RGA Sp18 Inbending Trains:

This concludes the cooking of all data for RGA’s pass-2 that was was previously cooked for pass-1. We’re now going to orient our focus toward the RGA Sp18 inbending and outbending data sets (which also includes some 3-pass data) but that will be a long process. I will keep you informed.

Best regards,

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