[Clas12_first_exp] [EXTERNAL] RGA Analysis Wiki (and run 5442 discrepancy update)

Hayward, Timothy timothy.hayward at uconn.edu
Wed May 8 10:33:49 EDT 2024

Dear RGA,

As a reminder, we are attempting to keep track of important presentations on the “Minutes” tab of the RGA Analysis Wiki<https://clasweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Group_A#tab=Minutes>. Please either upload any slides you showed today directly or send them to me and I will add them.

An update on the discrepancy in counts for 5442 that was observed today: Pierre and I have tracked it down to an issue with the pass-1 qadb that was used during one processing and not the other. When this is accounted for the discrepancy disappears. The pass-1 qadb seems to not have entries for the last ~40% of that particular run which will be something to double check before the finalization of the pass-2 QA. That being said, the files cooked and stored on tape appear to be correct and safe.

Best regards,
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