[Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting tomorrow at 8:30AM - agenda

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Thu Apr 11 03:16:50 EDT 2019

Dear all,
tomorrow we'll have our weekly RGB meeting, at 8:30AM JLab time.
Location: JLab room F224-225. BlueJeans ID: 237353330.
It will be fully devoted to the preparation for our pass0 cooking, unless
other subjects come up (always feel free to let me know if you have other
issues to discuss!).
The agenda is, as usual, on the wiki, and has the following items:

Preparation for pass0:
* Calibration status (Silvia)
* Monitoring/timelines optimization (Yordanka/Sangbaek)
* Cooking schemas (Zhiwen)
* Calibration and physics trains (Aram)

If you have any material to show, please upload it on the wiki (even after
the meeting).

See you all tomorrow!
Best regards,

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