[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Re: RC meeting: today @ 2.15pm

Daria Sokhan daria at jlab.org
Fri Dec 6 15:36:24 EST 2019

Dear all,

Summary of meeting / post-meeting:

* In a race against time with MCC beam-tuning, Dan had calibrated and
adjusted FTOF and CTOF gains last night and Nick checked that HTCC settings
were fine -- we took three runs (11050-52) of random trigger data (30kHz,
50nA) for Valery's tests.

* Rafo has analysed the available subset of that data: it looks like
including DC roads into the trigger reduces efficiency by a mere ~0.3%.
This is good news -- Valery just added DC roads to the production trigger.

* We took one full validation run for the trigger, as per Valery's request:
Run 11077 @ 40nA.

* 30kHz random trigger run (50nA, CVT excluded) gave us data rate of 600
MB/s. The trigger validation run (40nA) gave rates of 800 MB/s. We will
check what we get with the production trigger including roads -- this will
likely lead to more discussion.

* There are a lot of DAQ issues today -- being debugged.

* Irakli and Sergey fixed issues with FT-Tracker (previously it was reading
very high rates and blowing up the dead-time).

* Yuri is currently taking runs to optimise MVT discriminator thresholds.

* Nick will make minor adjustments to ccdb and HTCC config file and then we
will start production with all detectors included and DC roads in the

* Beam forecast for the weekend is sunny, with possibility of thunderstorms
if Hall C finish target work and ask for beam late on Sat / Sun. This,
however, is looking unlikely.

If there is anything anyone needs to do before we start production, please
let us know ASAP! I will email regarding the RC meeting tomorrow -- we will
have one only if there are things to discuss, otherwise I'll update by

Thanks and have a good weekend!

On Fri, 6 Dec 2019 at 11:44, Daria Sokhan <daria at jlab.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> We'll have the RC meeting at 2.15pm today -- notice the slight delay.
> Location as usual upstairs in the counting house, Bluejeans:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_230805731&d=DwIBaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=p0fOsYOqPes7kSrF0-ldLy8UQdwZWwpYV125WHZsrFE&m=bHm5vY89W9dy9354syAK1E5ntz0FRC7nUPJ17JoVMro&s=IMl7NQCfdx96MpnChDmpWOZ1IlmNKA60h-2-tpbLCNU&e= 
> Summary since yesterday:
> * RF stress test finished around 4pm, it took all evening to get good beam
> back to Hall B.
> * Started 30kHz random trigger test run around midnight, took all night
> (with beam trips and longer down-time) to get sufficient data: this is now
> being cooked (three runs 11050-52).
> * Beam was off for part of the morning, setting up trigger validation run.
> Till soon,
> Daria
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