[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Re: RC meeting: today @ 2.15pm
Daria Sokhan
daria at jlab.org
Sat Dec 7 15:38:39 EST 2019
Dear all,
Update from the meeting:
* Yuri had progressively lowered the SVT coolant temperature to address
rising leakage current on layer 6. It is now stabilised at -25 degrees.
* Micromagas HV (sector 3, layer 6) started tripping a lot last night, Yuri
reduced the voltage on the drift electrode from 1.4kV to to 1.3kV and this
fixed it.
* Stepan reported that for the moment our data rate (700 MB/s) is not a
problem, but that there was an issue with the Hall B data movers. Ours were
clogged, while Hall D ones were working fine with their very high data
rates. Computing center is debugging this.
* There was discussion of our trigger and data rates. MVT rates are the
highest out of all the detectors: Florian compared data rates with spring
run, and the ratio of CND to MVT ones is roughly consistent between then
and now (CND/MVT rate is ~1/3). See for example
https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3747959 and
https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3667377. This suggests that MVT is not an
issue. We also compared current muon trigger rates and those from spring,
and observe that they are consistent. What has increased significantly is
the electron rate (currently @ 16kHz). Waiting on analysis from the first
physics runs to study this further.
* The current electron trigger is nphe > 2, PCAL Emin > 60 MeV, PCAL + ECAL
Esum > 250 MeV. These values need to be discussed (separate thread).
* While we wait for the computing center to fix our data movers, we have
decided to ease the data-flow by taking a low luminosity run (@ 7nA)
followed by an empty target run (@ 150nA, 4h max with beam) if the beam
goes bad. We will return to production running after this.
* In line with typical weather forecasts, Hall C is now ready and will ask
for beam late this evening. Anticipate a night of trippy beam, sadly.
Till tomorrow and happy Saturday!
On Sat, 7 Dec 2019 at 12:09, Daria Sokhan <daria at jlab.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Let's have a quick RC meeting at 2pm today. I'll set up in the counting
> house upstairs, but feel free to just call in if you like -- Bluejeans:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_230805731&d=DwIBaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=p0fOsYOqPes7kSrF0-ldLy8UQdwZWwpYV125WHZsrFE&m=T9eIHSG1Dzz1ucB6s-AA-ua6djJQeVN2IO8gqI--dK4&s=Lx4UdUj3ER4pJCdqCI4qMem8efFr3m5k5YCYI8dnuEk&e=
> We have been taking production data with the new trigger
> (rgb_outbending_v12_1.trg) since yesterday about 4pm. Our data rate (700
> MB/s) is posing problems and overloading the disks, however, but does not
> seem to be a show-stopper for the moment.
> Till soon,
> Daria
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