[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Electron trigger thresholds

Daria Sokhan daria at jlab.org
Sat Dec 7 15:52:40 EST 2019

Dear all,

Our current physics production is at 40nA and we have:

* total trigger rate of 22kHz
* electron rate of 16kHz.
* muon rate comparable with spring running.

Electron rate is very high -- the purity of the electron trigger will be
checked as soon as the first production data files are cooked, but in the
meantime we should revisit the trigger thresholds. The electron trigger is
currently as follows:

* HTCC nphe > 2
* PCAL Emin > 60 MeV
* PCAL + ECAL Esum > 250 MeV

The 250 MeV limit was brought up for discussion -- should be keep this, or
raise it to 300 MeV? Please weigh in if you have any comments!

Many thanks,
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