[Clas12_rgb] run 11123 first 1M events monitoring histos

Yordanka Ilieva jordanka at jlab.org
Mon Dec 9 15:39:29 EST 2019

Dear All,

If it will be of help to anyone, I have processed 1M events of this high 
priority run and monitoring plots can be found at: 

Please, note that in these histograms, the muon-trigger purity is based 
on +- and -+ charged-particles pairs only. ++ and -- pairs are not 
counted. This decreases the purity by about 30% from ~75% to ~52%.

For a larger statistics, we are waiting for 257 files from this run to 
be processed on the farms (job is currently active). I will let you know 
when the full stat monitoring becomes available.

Best regards, Yordanka

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