[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Re: RC meeting today @ 2.30pm -- please note changed time!

Daria Sokhan daria at jlab.org
Wed Dec 11 18:13:34 EST 2019

Dear all,

A final summary of the RC meeting from me since I have handed over to
Silvia this afternoon!

* MCC plan spin dance for day shift tomorrow: expected to take ~8h. Stepan
suggested priority of special runs as:
1. Zero field
2. Low luminosity (7nA)
3. Empty target

* Krister would ideally need morning access to close up the Moller magnet
(~1h), Florian and Efrain would need a quick access to check the BAND laser

* Valery would like to do a ~1h test with a trigger which excludes low Q^2

* Hall C plan a ramp test for Friday, which would coincide with RF recovery
-- more opportunity to access the hall if needed.

* Change to pass-2 is planned for Tuesday start of day shift.

* Priority hall order for the coming week is A, then B.

* Nathan has made the run-start /end dialogue box unmissable and utterly
unavoidable -- which will hopefully lead to more reliable comments in the
RCDB! https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3751247

* Our accumulated charge up to now for this autumn's run is 9mC -- and we
have taken ~ 2.8 x 10^9 triggers in production runs.

Beam had returned this morning and by the powers of Mike Tiefenback it was
being tuned for production.

Many thanks and a happy rest of run!


On Wed, 11 Dec 2019 at 11:17, Daria Sokhan <daria at jlab.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> We got beam last night just before midnight, brought it to the tagger dump
> and spent a long time attempting to get decent beam and decent harp scans.
> The beam was extremely unstable, we never got past the tagger and it
> eventually disappeared until this morning. Fun night.
> Today is my final day of being RC and I'll need to report at the MCC
> meeting at 1.30pm -- last week the meeting took about an hour so I would
> like to shift our RC gathering today to *2.30pm*.
> Usual place, usual connection:    https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_230805731&d=DwIBaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=p0fOsYOqPes7kSrF0-ldLy8UQdwZWwpYV125WHZsrFE&m=yYwqw8cAQhDy-JGzKLu5l6MUPW0x-58Whf3zV6XIUFM&s=t0C5IKH8_M9hlQABo4Cijdtm1rCimfWGRBQ0jnU9nks&e= 
> Till soon!
> Daria
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