[Clas12_rgb] calibration plan for RGB data
silvia at jlab.org
silvia at jlab.org
Wed Dec 11 18:44:55 EST 2019
Dear Zhiwen and Aram,
here is the plan for the cooking for calibrations of the data currently
being taken (which follows the guidelines Raffaella gave me for the spring
Cook the first good production run (11093) to make FTOF and DC calib
filter →calibrate
Cook 10 files/run for the RF calibration
Once RF is calibrated, another 10 files/run pass to make monitors and
Establish the runs that need timing calibration using timelines
Cook and filter these runs and calibrate (FTOF first, then recook and do
Katheryne is working on making the good run list for the data taken so far
in this last period.
I'd like to start with this as soon as the new tagged release (which
includes the fixes to the CND path length and the CD veto) is available.
Meanwhile, you could proceed with the decoding.
Is this plan ok with you?
(The same plan holds for the recooking of the spring data, and the first
run in that case is 6156).
Thanks a lot and best regards,
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