[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Re: draft email to Marco
Gilfoyle, Jerry
ggilfoyl at richmond.edu
Fri Dec 13 14:11:03 EST 2019
Hi Silvia,
Looks good. You could mention the total number of days approved for RGB in the first paragraph just to remind Marco.
Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
Physics Department
University of Richmond, VA 23173 USA
e-mail: ggilfoyl at richmond.edu
phone: 804-289-8255
From: Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb-bounces at jlab.org> on behalf of silvia at jlab.org <silvia at jlab.org>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 12:03 PM
To: clas12_rgb at jlab.org
Subject: [Clas12_rgb] draft email to Marco
Dear all,
here is the draft of email for Marco, accordingly to what we discussed in
our meeting of this morning. Let me know if it needs any modification.
I'd like to send it to him before end of business today.
Dear Marco,
thank you very much for offering us the opportunity to discuss the
scheduling of the rest of RGB. We had a discussion at our weekly meeting
today. In the most optimistic hypothesis (good and stable beam for the
whole of January), RGB will have run for ~40 PAC days at the end of this
first set of 2019-2020 runs, and with 3 different beam energies (10.6,
10.2, 10.4).
In order to add a meaningful amount of data to existing sets we think we'd
need at least 30 more PAC days, taken at once and with the same
conditions, and at the highest possible beam energy. Therefore, if in 2021
you can only allocate 10 PAC days for RGB, and if, as you say, if we wait
we will have the priority for 2023, we prefer to wait until 2023 to take
at least 30 PAC days (or, ideally, as much as the PAC will allow us to
take provided all goes well with jeopardy). If, instead, you think we
could stretch somehow the plans for 2021 to accomodate 30 PAC days for
RGB, we'd accept without hesitation.
Thanks a lot and best regards,
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