[Clas12_rgb] RC report & plan for the weekend
silvia at jlab.org
silvia at jlab.org
Sat Dec 14 10:41:38 EST 2019
Hello all,
things are going not too bad here in the Counting Room. We have been
taking data more or less stably (let alone beam and DAQ instabilities)
since Friday Swing shift, after the Day shift down.
The plan for today is to take low-luminosity runs (upon request of the
SIDIS guys): we will take two 7 nA runs (4 hours each) and one at 20 nA
(~3 hours). We will then resume standard production data taking at 40 nA.
Tomorrow we will take a random trigger run (30 khz) for background studies
purposes, and for the rest production data taking as usual.
I spoke with the PD, she says our request for the pass change on Wednesday
was accepted and it is on the white board. No interruptions are scheduled
aside from maybe a pass change for Hall C on Monday (not sure yet). Hall A
should go offline on Monday, which may help us get more stable beam, who
I am not planning to have RC meetings during the weekend. If you disagree,
or if you have particular requests/needs, please let me know.
Best regards,
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