[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Re: monitoring for run 11294, sector 4 has no e triggers

Efrain Patrick Segarra segarrae at mit.edu
Thu Dec 19 16:51:07 EST 2019

Hi all,

Thank you very much Yordanka.

Yes, the sector trigger was not working, so we decided to run without it as it was in the owl shift, and it was likely more time lost to fix it rather than run without it 

Efrain Segarra

On 12/19/19, 16:29, "Yordanka Ilieva" <jordanka at jlab.org> wrote:

    Dear All,
    Monitoring for run 11294 is now at 
    Looking at dst_e_overview.png, one sector seems missing. This was not 
    the case for run 11289. The trigger monitoring shows no electron 
    triggers in sector 4.
    Best regards, Yordanka
    On 12/19/19 10:22 PM, Efrain Patrick Segarra wrote:
    > Hii Zhiwen,
    > The skim looks good to me, thank you,

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