[Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting schedule - urgent doodle

Silvia Niccolai silvia at jlab.org
Fri Jan 4 05:09:39 EST 2019

Hello all, 
I received very little replies back in December when I proposed to have our weekly RGB meetings on Thursdays at 8 or 8:30AM. 
Anyway, it seems like this time doesn’t suit everybody, at least those few who replied. 
I created a doodle to eastblish the time for our first meeting, next week, and then we’ll fix the « permanent » day during the meeting itself. 
Here is the link: https://doodle.com/poll/zrrysr9ari939gfs
Please fill it as soon as possible, as this Monday is also an option. Thank you!!
Best regards, 

Sent from my iPhone
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