[Clas12_rgb] agenda for RGB meeting

Silvia Niccolai silvia at jlab.org
Thu Jan 10 06:13:39 EST 2019

Dear all,
I prepared a draft of agenda for our meeting of tomorrow:
-    Status of hardware preparation: target, FT, BAND (B. Miller, F. Hauenstein)
-    Initial run plan: beam current, polarization requirements, trigger configuration (everybody)
-    Update on trigger road dictionaries (Yordanka, Silvia)
-    Update on preparation of software/monitoring team (Zhiwen, Yordanka, Kitty, Aram)
-    Update on preparation of calibration team (Silvia)
-    Decision on date and time of fixed weekly meetings (everybody)

Any other item of discussion will be, of course welcome.

>From now on, our meeting agendas (and minutes) will listed on the RGB wiki page, at 
https://clasweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Group_B#tab=Meetings , along 
with Jlab Room infos (F224-225 this time) and BlueJeans ID (2488723183 
this time).

See you all on Friday.
Best regards,

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