[Clas12_rgb] [Clas12_software] New reconstruction and simulation releases

Whitney R. Armstrong whit at jlab.org
Sun Jan 13 21:00:38 EST 2019

Hi Mauri,

I get the following errors when running the docker container:

$ docker run --rm -it jeffersonlab/clas12simulations:iprod  bash
 > Common Environment Version: <2.3>  (Wed October 3 2018)
 > Running as root on 6988d59431dc
 > OS Release:    Linux_CentOS7.5.1804-x86_64-gcc4.8.5
 > JLAB_ROOT set to:     /jlab
 > JLAB_SOFTWARE set to: /jlab/2.3/Linux_CentOS7.5.1804-x86_64-gcc4.8.5

 > CCDB          version:  1.06.02
 > CLHEP         version:
 > GEANT4        version:  4.10.04.p02
 > QT            using system installation
 > XERCESC       version:  3.2.2
 !! Attention:  GEMC  installation check /jlab/clas12Tags/4a.2.5/source/gemc  not found
 > EVIO          version:  5.1
 > MLIBRARY      version:  1.3
 > SCONS         version:  1.7

Running within a singularity container I get:

$ source softenv.sh
 !! Attention:  BANKS  installation check /jlab/2.3/Linux_CentOS7.5.1804-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/banks/1.4/bin  not found
 > CCDB          version:  1.06.02
 > CLHEP         version:
 > EVIO          version:  5.1
 > GEANT4        version:  4.10.04.p02
 !! Attention:  GEMC  installation check /jlab/2.3/Linux_CentOS7.5.1804-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/gemc/2.7/gemc  not found
 !! Attention:  JANA  installation check /jlab/2.3/Linux_CentOS7.5.1804-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/jana/0.8.0/bin/jana  not found
 > MLIBRARY      version:  1.3
 > MYSQL         installed in  /jlab/2.3/Linux_CentOS7.5.1804-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/mysql/lib
 > QT            using system installation
 !! Attention:  ROOT  installation check /jlab/2.3/Linux_CentOS7.5.1804-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/root/6.14.04/bin/root-config  not found
 > SCONS         version:  1.7
 > XERCESC       version:  3.2.2
 >> For documentation on the environment please visit 
 >> https://data.jlab.org

Not sure what is going on.  

Also, is there a particular reason not to install all software into 
/usr/local within the container? This would make configuring the 
environment trivial since only one software-version is ever installed 
for a given docker image.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 09:35:42PM +0000, Maurizio Ungaro wrote:
>Hi all,
>The new coatjava and gemc production releases  have been packaged in a new docker container:
>Couple of notes:
>1. Note that the hub is now "jeffersonlab" and not "maureeungaro" anymore.
>2. Note that the tag is the same as before "iprod" for "production".
>3. The previous docker container is saved with the tag "1.0"
>On Wed, Jan 09, 2019 at 11:54:09AM +0100, Raffaella De Vita wrote:
>>Dear Collaborators,
>>new coatjava and gemc production releases have been recently tagged and are now the recommended versions for both simulations and real data processing.
>>These are:
>>- coatjava 5.7.4: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_JeffersonLab_clas12-2Doffline-2Dsoftware_releases_tag_5.7.4&d=DwIFAg&c=lz9TcOasaINaaC3U7FbMev2lsutwpI4--09aP8Lu18s&r=61DXIEmgiS-vPKtf25gRYv73j4Jn0BsaDPrYHp_sims&m=4EQuVBJuS-0TqJZiivVzW1B1_8W2pPlRloJ2xk0gMxw&s=yr8xfRIX-B2XO9w5wz-SVZtfgyxTucFQoPeG8e0A0Js&e=  <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_JeffersonLab_clas12-2Doffline-2Dsoftware_releases_tag_5.7.4&d=DwIFAg&c=lz9TcOasaINaaC3U7FbMev2lsutwpI4--09aP8Lu18s&r=61DXIEmgiS-vPKtf25gRYv73j4Jn0BsaDPrYHp_sims&m=4EQuVBJuS-0TqJZiivVzW1B1_8W2pPlRloJ2xk0gMxw&s=yr8xfRIX-B2XO9w5wz-SVZtfgyxTucFQoPeG8e0A0Js&e= >
>>- gemc 4.3.0: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_gemc_clas12Tags&d=DwIFAg&c=lz9TcOasaINaaC3U7FbMev2lsutwpI4--09aP8Lu18s&r=61DXIEmgiS-vPKtf25gRYv73j4Jn0BsaDPrYHp_sims&m=4EQuVBJuS-0TqJZiivVzW1B1_8W2pPlRloJ2xk0gMxw&s=ERTOToqRwPI3Svb3nCSpXeTd0dG41UBlLwvDBXMn-dE&e=  <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_gemc_clas12Tags&d=DwIFAg&c=lz9TcOasaINaaC3U7FbMev2lsutwpI4--09aP8Lu18s&r=61DXIEmgiS-vPKtf25gRYv73j4Jn0BsaDPrYHp_sims&m=4EQuVBJuS-0TqJZiivVzW1B1_8W2pPlRloJ2xk0gMxw&s=ERTOToqRwPI3Svb3nCSpXeTd0dG41UBlLwvDBXMn-dE&e= >
>>You can find detailed release notes at the links indicated above.
>>Gemc 4.3.0 is currently the default version on the Jlab cluster.
>>Best regards,
>>       Raffaella

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>Clas12_software at jlab.org

Whitney R. Armstrong

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