[Clas12_rgb] disk clean up warning

Zhiwen Zhao zwzhao at jlab.org
Fri Jul 5 09:48:55 EDT 2019

Dear All

We had some discussion about this at the meeting today.
I will also removed old mon files besides unfiltered runs.

If you are using unfiltered files for analysis, please change it to 
filtered files promptly and ask Aram to add your filter if needed.



On 7/5/2019 8:57 AM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
> Hi,All
> We are at the limit of 40TB on work disk and I need to clean up it a bit.
> I plan to remove v5 and v6 calib unfiltered, and v5 dst unfiltered
> Let me know any problem you see
> Zhiwen
> On 6/8/2019 10:39 PM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
>> Dear All
>> To make room on work disk, I plan to delete unfiltered hipo3 calib run 
>> of pass0v1, pass0v2 and passv4, but not the latest pass0v5.
>> Please let me know by Monday if you want to keep any of those files 
>> for any reason.
>> thanks
>> Zhiwen
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