[Clas12_rgb] Timelines to check! and RGB meeting tomorrow at 8:30AM - agenda
silvia at jlab.org
silvia at jlab.org
Mon Jul 29 06:39:36 EDT 2019
Thanks a lot for the feedback, Marco!
I have found out that runs 6333, 6337,6339, 6341 have no CCDB entry for
the RF offsets. I had ran the RF calibration routine over all runs that
had been cooked and filtered, so I guess these 4 runs were not included in
either the cooking or the RF filtering of the previous pass.
Zhiwen and Aram, can you please produce RF filters for these runs so that
I can calibrate them?
Thank you!
Best regards,
> Dear Silvia,
> I have completed the study of the RICH timing by looking at the
> monitoring data (180 runs).
> My conclusions are:
> - runs from 6156 to 6170 and from 6420 to 6597: we have an overall shift
> of about 9 ns with respect to the data we used to calculate our time
> calibration constants. Apart from this, the calibration looks good, but
> the real check can be done only by looking at the full runs.
> - for runs from 6189 to 6399 the shift is about 11 ns
> - for run 6386 the shift is about 13 ns
> - run 6293 has all the histograms empty, It seems this run has empty
> histograms also for other detectors.
> - runs 6333, 6337,6339, 6341 have two peaks, indicating an RF correction
> problem: we see a similar issue in rg-A that was solved in the latest
> cooking v15.
> I have updated the last Friday meeting wiki page with all the plots.
> Best regards,
> Marco
> Il 2019-07-25 11:44 silvia at jlab.org ha scritto:
>> Dear all,
>> Zhiwen has completed pass0/v9 (hipo4 - COATJAVA 6b.2.0, ten files/run),
>> and Yordanka and Sangbaek have completed the monitoring and timelines.
>> Detector experts are kindly requested to please look at the timelines
>> and
>> inform us of any problems they see, and needs for specific runs to be
>> cooked for calibration. The link to the timelines is:
>> https://clas12mon.jlab.org/rgb/pass0/v9/tlsummary/
>> I can see from a quick glance that further calibrations and adjustments
>> are clearly necessary for various subsystems.
>> This will be therefore one of the items in the agenda of tomorrow's RGB
>> meeting:
>> Time: 8:30AM JLab time
>> Location: JLab room F224-225
>> BlueJeans ID: 237353330
>> Tentative agenda:
>> - timelines from pass0/v9, calibration needs, and plans for further
>> pass
>> - BAND update on low-energy run needs for the fall
>> - RC schedule for the fall
>> - Any other items are welcome
>> Best regards,
>> Silvia
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