[Clas12_rgb] RF calibrations completed, plan for next pass

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Wed Jul 31 10:06:08 EDT 2019

Dear all,
I have completed the last missing RF calibration, run 6386 (thanks Aram
for the filter, thanks Cole for spotting the missing calibration!).

I'd say that we are ready for the next pass.
Following Raffaella's email, we should cook using 6.3.1, and I'd say we
should FIRST cook the reference calibration runs (6164, 6233, 6489) so
that FTOF can proceed to its calibrations. Once FTOF is recalibrated, we
should recook those runs to recalibrate timings of CTOF, FT, and CND.
Then, once these calibrations are completed, we should proceed to a new 10
files/run pass for a new check of the timelines.
Once all calibrations will be satisfactory, I'd say that we can use 6.3.1
to cook a set of ~15 full runs (the ones we did previously could be ok)
for physics analysis.
Please let me know if you have any objections to this plan.

I won't be able to chair the RGB meeting this Friday, as I'll be
traveling. If you feel the need to have it anyway for urgent discussions,
let me know, I can pass the BJ infos to Stepan or whoever else is
available to start the meeting. Otherwise, for this week we can have
discussions via email, either on the mailing list or on smaller groups. If
you decide to meet without me, please update the wiki with the subjects

Thanks a lot and best regards,

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