[Clas12_rgb] pass0v3 cooking progress
Zhiwen Zhao
zwzhao at jlab.org
Tue Jun 4 23:05:29 EDT 2019
Dear All
Here is latest pass0v3 with hipo4 test
I cooked some mon,calib,dst files at
The cooking software are clara4.3.10 and coatjava6b.2.0
The mon file size problem is fixed in clara4.3.10
dst file is 0.2GB, calib file is 0.8GB, and mon file is 1.8GB
The clara files are at
The cooking log is at
Please let me know any problem you see about those files.
I will start to cook mon for all run next
On 5/24/2019 9:13 AM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
> Dear All
> After coatjava 6b.2.0 release,I cooked some new test files for
> mon,calib,dst schema at
> /work/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/tmp_20190518/
> dst file is 0.2GB, calib file is 0.8GB
> But mon file size varies from 1.8GB to 3.5GB and I am not sure why.
> The clara files are at
> /work/clas12/rg-b/clas12_clara4.4_coatjava6b.2.0
> The cooking log is at
> https://github.com/zhaozhiwen/clas12_cooking_rgb/blob/master/log_cooking
> Please let me know any problem you see about those files.
> thanks
> Zhiwen
> On 5/10/2019 6:48 PM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
>> Dear All
>> Here are some new files for test
>> /w/hallb-scifs17exp/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/tmp_20190510/
>> After fixing the yaml file and moving timestamp from May 1 to May 10,
>> some of known problems should be fixed.
>> The fix to create more different schema is not done yet.
>> Please report any problem you see.
>> Zhiwen
>> On 5/9/2019 2:21 PM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
>>> Dear All
>>> I am testing pass0v3 cooking with hipo4 and coatjava6b.1.1
>>> cooking log is at
>>> https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fzhaozhiwen%2Fclas12_cooking_rgb%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2Flog_cooking&data=02%7C01%7Czwzhao%40jlab.org%7Ced761b3f31d741f6174a08d6d599c3e4%7Cb4d7ee1f4fb34f0690372b5b522042ab%7C1%7C0%7C636931253744765000&sdata=3HMynKj3D0udPDJTvJkomut3es%2BavmFXOCQTKS69ImY%3D&reserved=0
>>> some mon files are cooked at
>>> /work/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/tmp/
>>> Please test them with your code and let me know if you see any problem.
>>> thanks
>>> Zhiwen
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