[Clas12_rgb] pass0v2 cooking progress

Zhiwen Zhao zwzhao at jlab.org
Thu May 9 15:47:02 EDT 2019

Dear All

Aram made the filtered file for run 6489 including both detector filter 
and physics filter at


On 5/7/2019 11:58 AM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
> Dear All
> all mon files are cooked except 2, which I won't try to fix for now.
> They are at
> /work/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/v2/mon
> For next pass0v3, I am testing decoding and cooking with hipo4 using 
> latest coatjava 6b.1.1
> I will try to recook all mon files and run 6489 again first.
> We can have more discussion during the meeting on Friday.
> Zhiwen
> On 5/3/2019 9:44 AM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
>> Dear All
>> one calib run 6489 is done at
>> /work/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/calib/v2/unfiltered/006489_20190501
>> and mon 10 files (40-49) per run is ongoing (60% of 226 runs done) at
>> /work/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/v2/mon
>> Please note all mon files in one dir, not every run in a separate dir 
>> like pass0v1.
>> https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fzhaozhiwen%2Fclas12_cooking_rgb&data=02%7C01%7Czwzhao%40jlab.org%7Cfdd381144c05434fc4c908d6d304da5c%7Cb4d7ee1f4fb34f0690372b5b522042ab%7C1%7C0%7C636928415132719397&sdata=sgP1RrnyFVxUt%2FhnEbndxFwYUuKvEuYsBSMrkh6ZLpo%3D&reserved=0 
>> I create a repo on github as the single source for all things rgb cooking
>> I will move information on wiki into the repo and clean up the wiki to 
>> leave only the most essential information for easy reading.
>> The plan is to switch to hipo4 cooking in a few days.
>> In the meantime, if you have some files you want to cook with hipo3 
>> urgently, please let me know.
>> thanks
>> Zhiwen
>> On 4/26/2019 10:21 PM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
>>> Dear All
>>> As discussed in the meeting today, I will start the pass0v2 cooking 
>>> with 1. 10 files per run with new mon schema
>>> 2. all files of run 6489 with new calib schema
>>> Some test files with new mon,calib,dst schema are cooked at
>>> /work/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/tmp/
>>> Please check if any banks are missing and let me know before I start 
>>> cooking on Monday
>>> see details at "pass0/v2 cooking plan"
>>> https://clasweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Group_B#Software
>>> thanks
>>> Zhiwen
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