[Clas12_rgb] pass0v3 cooking progress
Zhiwen Zhao
zwzhao at jlab.org
Fri May 10 18:48:55 EDT 2019
Dear All
Here are some new files for test
After fixing the yaml file and moving timestamp from May 1 to May 10,
some of known problems should be fixed.
The fix to create more different schema is not done yet.
Please report any problem you see.
On 5/9/2019 2:21 PM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
> Dear All
> I am testing pass0v3 cooking with hipo4 and coatjava6b.1.1
> cooking log is at
> https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fzhaozhiwen%2Fclas12_cooking_rgb%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2Flog_cooking&data=02%7C01%7Czwzhao%40jlab.org%7C0030231b10924b7d2eaf08d6d4ab1f11%7Cb4d7ee1f4fb34f0690372b5b522042ab%7C1%7C0%7C636930228771515132&sdata=htpJZmsKfYmYLSIjCfE4w0mseopiZA7A2ReKE6vHbME%3D&reserved=0
> some mon files are cooked at
> /work/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/tmp/
> Please test them with your code and let me know if you see any problem.
> thanks
> Zhiwen
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