[Clas12_rgb] CLAS12 Offsite simulations

Maurizio Ungaro ungaro at jlab.org
Thu Nov 7 14:26:54 EST 2019

Hi all,

The off-site farm submission website for CLAS12 simulations is ready:


You can submit jobs using the following configurations:

- clas12-default
- rga-spring2018
- rga-fall2018
- rgk-fall2018  (out-bending torus)
- rga-spring2019
- rgb-spring2019

Type 1 uses either one of four events generator, or the gemc particle generator.
With Type 2 you can use your own LUND file(s), either from a web location or a directory in /volatile.
Type 3 and 4 (not ready yet) will allow to use your own gcards for custom setups.

The jobs are submitted to the Open Science Grid and to the Glasgow farm, and the output will appear on /volatile/clas12/osg/<your username>.

We invite you to submit jobs and report any kind of feedback. This is a beta release with a few more features in the work, but it can
be used to submit simulations jobs used in actual analyses.

The framework will be presented on Tuesday at the collaboration meeting and we'll have a tutorial on how to submit jobs during the Friday's session.


The Offsite Simulation Team
(Bobby, Sangbaek, Patrick, David & Mauri)

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